22. července 2006

Zamyšlení nad Israelem

Jak uvádí Daniel Lazare ve svém článku, je vhodné se zamyslit nad zakladatelskými idejemi Theodora Herzla a realitou: "Herzl envisioned a normal state no different from France or Germany. Yet with its peculiar ethno-religious policies elevating one group above all others, Israel is increasingly abnormal at a time when almost all other political democracies have been putting such distinctions behind them. Herzl envisioned a state that would draw Jews like a magnet, yet more than half a century after Israel's birth, most Jews continue to vote with their feet to remain in the Diaspora, and an increasing number of Israelis prefer to live abroad. Israel was supposed to serve as a safe haven, yet it is in fact one of the more dangerous places on earth in which to be Jewish."

"it is now possible to say things that would have been verboten only a few months ago." V Česku zatím ne.

"In today's 'clash of cultures' between open, pluralist democracies and belligerently intolerant, faith-driven ethno-states," the United States the historian Tony Judt adds, "Israel actually risks falling into the wrong camp."

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