9. února 2008

Ruská annexe Kavkazu

Přes rusofilské zaměření většiny českého národa, ruská imperialistická válka na Kavkaze (1817–1864) je málo známá. Různé fase této války rozpoutali Alexandr I., Mikuláš I. a Alexandr II. Hrdinou protiruského odporu byl Avar imám Šamil.

Nebyla to ale žádná novinka: "In 1552, Ivan the Terrible had captured and destroyed Kazan, the great Muslim city on the upper Volga. Four years later the Russian hordes reached the Caspian. At their van rode the wild Cossacks, brutal horsemen who reproduced themselves by capturing and marrying by force the Muslim women who fell into their hands. As pious as they were turbulent, they never established a new settlement without first building a spectacular church, whose tolling bells rang out over the Tsars everexpanding empire in the steppes. By the late eighteenth century the Christian threat to the Caucasus had not gone unnoticed by the mountain tribes."

Jak uvádí wiki: "In 1552, the city [Qazan] was conquered by Russia under Ivan the Terrible and the majority of the population was massacred. During the governorship of Alexander Gorbatyi-Shuisky, most of the khanates's Tatar residents were killed, repressed, or forcibly Christianized. Mosques and palaces were ruined. The surviving Tatar population was moved to a place 50 km away from the city and this place was forcibly settled by Russian farmers and soldiers."

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