24. dubna 2011

SCOTUS ochránil vulgarismy

The Onion už spletla kdekoho, protože píše seriosním stylem. V češtině bohužel podobnou humoristickou stránku nemáme. Tak si dovolím ocitovat ze zprávy o rozsudku Nejvyššího soudu USA o svobodě projevu: „"It is the opinion of this court that the right to speak without censorship or fear of intimidation is fundamental to a healthy democracy," Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote for the majority. "Furthermore, the court finds that the right to say whatever the hell you want, whenever the hell you want, is not only a founding tenet, but remains essential to the continued success of this nation." Added Ginsburg, "In short, freedom of speech means the freedom of fucking speech, you ignorant cocksuckers."“

1 komentář:

  1. "That which erodes human rights serves to erode humanity fuckface."


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